Dutch Players Face Possibility of Mandatory Affordability Checks

Dutch Players Face Possibility of Mandatory Affordability Checks

In June 2022, Minister for Legal Protection Franc Weerwind said the Netherlands would not entertain stringent iGaming measures. However, it seemed like he changed his mind after proposals for mandatory affordability checks were made.

To combat gambling addiction, the Dutch Gaming Authority (abbreviated KSA) has suggested new policies. One of these is a mandate that all online gambling sites must request evidence of income before approving any deposits.

As a reaction to the regulator’s efforts, Weerwind expressed his approval. If a player goes over their time or player restriction, he also suggested that the bookie software would automatically log them out.

The KOA version, adopted three years ago, is under review. The evaluation, which will analyze the legislation’s efficacy and the online gambling market’s consequences, will be presented next October. Before that, on December 13, the KSA presented its initial conclusions. Because of this, Weerwind replied on Thursday.

Mandatory Affordability Checks in the Netherlands

Dutch Players Face Possibility of Mandatory Affordability ChecksThe affordability check will be activated when a user’s monthly deposits exceed a certain amount, such as $770. Gamblers and bettors between the ages of 18 and 24 might be subject to reduced limitations imposed by the government.

On top of that, the KSA is planning to make personal contact mandatory for anybody looking to increase their monthly limits by around $385. Operators could not provide a configuration option in their applications or online platforms for users to modify their restrictions if this were to happen. Thus, it would help if you learned the rules to learn how to become a bookie in the Netherlands.

Players can reach help via email, live chat, or phone. The objective is to give problem gamblers a chance to talk to an expert about their gambling and obtain assistance if they need it.

There will be an automated logout feature for those who exceed their time or player restrictions. A type of harm reduction, this strategy can discourage people from gambling when they are unable to afford to do so. Aside from the mandatory checks, knowing the betting glossary is vital before engaging in the activity. That way, you know what you are doing.

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